Friday, December 17, 2010

Feedback Wanted

We’ve been internally discussing moving away from the current blog software to WordPress’ new blog-community software.  WordPress is fantastic and, for you current bloggers, we would be able to export all of your entries without any downtime.  That said, you would have to re-add things that exist in your sidebar, links, etc. 

The reason we’re considering this is because WP is very easy to run, both as a blogger and an administrator.  I have not posted many entries in here but I have reported to my co-workers that I find it somewhat confusing and awkward to use.  The feedback I received from them was that our administrative efforts should be used on promoting the webiste and our bloggers, not wasting time and effort deleting spam blogs and trying to keep up with new ways of stopping spam comments. 

If anyone has any feedback, pro or against moving to WordPress, I would like to hear it, as the last thing we want to do is inturrupt anyone’s blogging.  Thank you.


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Thursday, December 16, 2010

First Ever TennerBlog Post!

This is the very first post ever made on! Hopefully it wont be one of the last!

The site is now fully functional and ready for new members to join and build a great blog.

Our aim is to provide a feature packed, reliable, and free business blogging service to build up a great business community.

Any questions about the service please get in tocuh via the contact form, you can visit this from our home.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Some Thoughts About Spam

Hello.  I’m "Steve the Intern" and will be working on your site for the next academic year as part of my internship.  I’m not sure if I’ll post every day but if I have the time I would like to keep everyone as informed as possible with regards to the status of this website. For my inaugural post I will be addressing a topic everyone hates–comment spam.

Why spam in the first place?  Since search engine rankings are at least partly determined by the number of links pointing to your site, spammers go after blogs to stick links in to their site with the hope of the search engine spiders picking up those links.  In more extreme cases spammers will create blogs (I personally deleted about 40 here) for the sole purpose of creating backlinks to their site or sites.

Why can’t search engines determine what is spam?  In short, they can and do-spammers are complelty wasting their time.  Most blogs either strip out the HTML and Javascript or add the rel="nofollow" attribute to the link.  When search engines come across links that are marked as rel="nofollow" they are simply, as the name suggests, not followed.  These types of links provide quite literally no benefit to the spammer.

How else can we combat spam?  Believe it or not, most spam is not done by robots.  People put "captchas" (those hard-to-read graphics with random letters and numbers) to ensure live people are sitting there entering comments.  The sad fact though is that people, largely in Asia, get paid to spam.  When it’s live people who can read the captchas, there’s really no good means of stopping it altogether.  The most effective way we’ve found is simply running a timed script every 30 seconds or so that queries the database for comments that look spammy and a quick review by a live person here will either delete them or allow them to be posted.

More tomorrow! 

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

TennerBlog About to Launch! SIGN-UP NOW!!


TennerBlog is officially opening on Feb 1st, although you can get in on the action early by registering your account today - all features are up and running so get building peoples!

TennerBlog is a business and finance blog service exclusively for business and finance bloggers. The features in our members area reflect this and we have lots of future plans as well!

Any questiones please e-mail

Thanks, Chris - TennerBlog Owner.

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Promotion and Profit Opportunities for your Blog

Last week we updated and rewrote two sections of the site–the promote your blog and make your blog profitable sections of the site. While neither section is comprehensive we have outlined several ways to get your blog more exposure, build traffic, and identify new income areas. Feel free to check them out at your leisure. Steve

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Thursday, December 9, 2010


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